FLIP CARDS (Talker Cards) Current FLIP CARDS are designed to be printed @ 100% non scaling. Some of the older version Generic were designfor automatic scaling (many printers autoscale at 94%-96% it seems) and may need a little extra trimming to fit.., If you run into this problem, you can contact us and we'll send out a corrected size if we don't have it replaced here on the site. We are currently rebuilding much of our Flip Card library with new enhanced style cards. Upon their approval by the individual ball manufacturer, they will be available along with the current supply for download and print. There will be 2 basic categories: 1) Standard: Displaying Ball Mfg, Representative Ball Graphics, Price and Weights available 2) Advanced (Optional Card- may or may not be available): Displaying Price, Representative Ball Graphics, Ball Mfg, Mfg'd Weights, Weights available instore, Hook and Slide Potential.. Both versions will have flip side ball data including core, finish, performance data, out of box ball characteristics, lane condition usage etc. If you wish an assorted array of mix and match cards, I will produce them 5 up and send files directly to you at a cost of $5.50 per 5 Flip Cards (includes front and backs) If you are not finding the card you want, contact us or check back.. We're building them out quite rapidly. Again, some of the older version GENERIC cards are still on the site until replaced. These cards may need to be trimmed down to fit. Add A Tab (sales assist cards) will also be made available to order. Questions, Call (716) 696 -0915 or use the email contact form on this site.